Sunday, September 6, 2009


I have a weird obsession with being "fair". I say it's a weird obsession because I don't mean fair as in being just or treating everyone with an equal amount of respect, but a need to do the same thing for everyone. Last year for example, my history teacher would give out candy sometimes, as prizes for getting certain questions right, or similar achievements. I would always give whatever candy I had away.However once I gave someone a piece of candy I wouldn't give one to them again. I would have to find someone else to give the candy. I also try not to say any ones name in any of my classes, until I finally know the name of everyone in that class (which usually takes me a much longer time than others). If I use sombody's name, and I don't use somebody else's name, then I am not treating them equally, and things don't "balance out" for me. I can't offer a rational explanation for this behavior, it's just a weird quirk I have.

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