Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Child at Heart"

Children don't have new ideas. They absorb information. From their parents. Peers. Society. Then they grow up, and they realise that quite a bit of the stuff they learned was a lie. They come up with new ideas, think new things, break free and look around. Sometimes they give up after a while and become old-hearted, unable to look at new ideas, think in new ways. Some people never even think for themselves in the first place . They still hold negative opinions about whoever they were supposed to hold negative opinions of as a child. If it happens that their parents wanted them to hate certain ethnic groups that's what they become racists. If they were disiplined for questioning authority, and were supposed to have blind respect for there country they become nationalists. Rather than use reasoning to think of new ideas they use it to rationalize defenses for there old ones. So I think it's strange to hear the phrase "child-at-heart" It's usually a positive phrase describing somebody who enjoys childish games. That doesn't make them a child-at-heart in my opinion. A true child at heart is a racist, nationalist, xenophope who can only defend his or her ideology with empty slogans and catch-phrases. He or she maintains all the lies and falsehoods they absorbed in their youth, and will never grow beyond it.

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